How can we know the dancer from the dance?


How can we know the dancer from the dance? is a performance, a video documentation and a script by Sander Breure and Witte van Hulzen.

"A half year long four performers were present daily among the crowds of people thronging through the station. These performers did nothing to stand out in the crowd, in fact they behaved exactly like everyone else: taking a sip from a paper coffee cup, checking the news on their phone, or just ambling around aimlessly, waiting for a friend to show up. Only they did so all four at the same time, in perfect synchronicity."

As a way to distribute the work, a box was designed to contain:
a. A written script, functioning both as a record of the actions performed as well as a possible instruction for eventual reanactments.
b. A poster displaying the series of instructional diagrams that the performers followed.
c. A usb stick containing the video documentation of the work, documentation which was assembled with traces of the performance as published online by the passers by.

How can we know the dancer from the dance? was published in edition of 25.

Box: 420x297mm, poster: 594x841mm, script: 420x297mm.

Design in collaboration with Karlis Krecers.
